Is there a “yes” among your answers to the following questions?
Do you want to deploy project management and lifecycle methodologies to provide a solid framework that allows your teams to successfully manage and execute projects?
Would you like to implement a robust, consistent, company-own methodology for project, program, portfolio or PMO management?
Are you convinced that training alone is not sufficient and that there is a lot more to do to achieve sustainable excellence in project performance?
Would you like to evaluate what it takes and how to best deploy a standardised project management methodology in your organisation?
Do you want to get your organisation’s buy in and your teams’ commitment to follow these methodologies?
Implementing an in-house project management methodology requires people to change.
This means that the deployment effort should be seen as a cultural change initiative.
Cultural change initiatives, in turn, require a holistic and multifaceted approach – one that has long-term sponsorship and is sustainably rooted in the organisation’s foundations.
IPEx has the products and expertise to help you generate a deployment strategy and formulate a deployment plan that is right for you. We recommend deploying your methodology in waves, concentrating on the most critical aspects first, and then rolling out increasingly more complex and sophisticated features of the methodology as time goes by.
The IPEx methodology deployment service results in:
A Current State Assessment of your capabilities
A Future State Analysis of where you want to be
A Deployment Strategy for getting you to the future state
A more detailed Deployment Plan that describes the details required to get you to the future state
In addition, we can also manage and help you staff the subsequent Deployment Project.

We have done it before and we can help you get there. Make sure you don’t miss a fundamental step in the journey. Contact us now to further discuss how we can help you.
IPEx Consulting | Langemarckstrasse 112 | D-79100 Freiburg | Deutschland | Ph: +49 (0) 761 707 30 19 | | Who we are